Tampa Bay Poodle Club
'Brags & Pictures'
'Brags & Pictures'
This is the first Corded Poodle to win BOB at the Orlando Poodle Specialty Show June 15, 2024. Aurora's Green Acres Classy Lady aka "AVA"
Bred and owned by Club Member Betsy Hicka and beautifully shown by Rhett Bowman!
Valentino had a good weekend at the Mason Kennel Club in Perry Ga. Registered name is Brivali's Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy. Winnders dog, Best of Opposite, and Best of Variety Owner Handled.
We would like to wish Ianthe Bloomquist Life Member of TBPC a very happy 93rd Birthday!
GCH V & E Award Winning Emmie En Tour earning her Grand Championship at the Great Ocala Dog Club November 20, 2022
-Vanessa Ricardo’s CH V & E Award Winning Emmie En Tour won Best of Breed at the Space Coast Kennel Club of Palm Bay in Ocala, FL November 6, 2022. -Vanessa Ricardo’s CH En Tour Max The Flash BCAT Earned his FAST CAT Title at the West Volusia Kennel Club in Deland, FL September 24, 2022. - Vanessa Ricardo’s CH V & E Award Wining Emmie En Tour Won Best of Breed at the West Volusia Kennel Club ibn Deland, FL September 23, 2022. -Vanessa Ricardo’s V & E Awarding Winning Emmie En Tour won Best of Breed at the St Petersburg Dog Fanciers Association on Saturday June 18, 2022. |
Has been issued a certificate for NOHS Silver, also his mum. |
Has been issued a certificate for NOHS Bronze. |
The graduation class in beginners Rally class with the Macon Kennel Club. - Betsy and her Standard Bailey
First picture: Oct 9 2021. New Champion! Ch. Aurora's Green Acres. Classy Lady (aka "Ava") Owned by Betsy Hicka
Handled by Miyuki Ueno. Judge: Ms. Diane L. Price. Augusta Kennel Club. Best of Variety
Handled by Miyuki Ueno. Judge: Ms. Diane L. Price. Augusta Kennel Club. Best of Variety
Second picture: Oct. 10, 2021. Ch. Aurora's Green Acres. Classy Lady ("Ava"). Judge : Ms. Dawn Hitchcock. Augusta Kennel Club
Best of Variety
Best of Variety
February 6, 2021: Archie aka Ch Piccadilly's Heir To The Throne finished in Ocala with 4 Majors. Owners Linda Tilka, Paul Tilka & Carrie Henry.
December 3, 2020 - We won a 3pt major on Archie and Darcy finished her championship. Great weekend!
Sept 17, 2020 - Tampa Bay Poodle Club Show: Miniature Poodle taking Best of Breed
CONGRATULATIONS! Member Carole Amundson acheived 2 legs to her CD title in Lakeland!
And Gwyneth Lee's Darci got WB!
And Gwyneth Lee's Darci got WB!
Judge Luis Azicorbe with his BOV at the TBPC show. Darci BOW Manatee
Tampa Bay Poodle Club Specialty January 19th 2020 Brooksville Florida
Member Kay Jones found this at Disney. Darci owned by Gwyneth Lee Betsy Hicka's Ch Spencer
POODLES! Linda Tilka & Carrie Henry won a 4pt Major
POODLES! Linda Tilka & Carrie Henry won a 4pt Major
TBPC June Meeting was a lot of fun, weather was beautiful. Show had great reviews. Cook out for Poodle Folks at RV's
TBPC members showing & winning
BEST STUD DOG IN SHOW for the second year in a row.
BEST STUD DOG IN SHOW for the second year in a row.
Jordan with Louis & Marie Ascorbe wearing the hat Betsy bid on & won from Johnny Shoemaker
- Proceeds going for the 2019 PCA Health Foundation

Tampa Bay Poodle Club
PCA 2019 Basket won
Best Basket in Show
Thanks to the members and
Karen Tremmel for the construction of this masterpiece.
PCA 2019 Basket won
Best Basket in Show
Thanks to the members and
Karen Tremmel for the construction of this masterpiece.